Irving AA, Plum LA, Blaser WJ, Ford MR, Weng C, Clipson L, DeLuca HF,
Dove WF. Cholecalciferol or 25-hydroxycholecalciferol neither prevents
nor treats adenomas in a rat model of familial colon cancer. J Nutrition,
in press.
Amos-Landgraf JM, Heijmans J, Wielenga MC, Dunkin E, Krentz KJ, Clipson L, Ederveen AG, Groothuis PG, Mosselman S, Muncan V, Hommes DW, Shedlovsky A, Dove WF, van den Brink GR. Sex disparity in colonic adenomagenesis involves promotion by male hormones, not protection by female hormones. PNAS 111: 16514-9, 2014.
Irving AA, Yoshimi K, Hart ML, Parker T, Clipson L, Ford MR, Kuramoto T, Dove WF, Amos-Landgraf JM. The utility of Apc-mutant rats in modeling human colon cancer. Dis Model Mech. 7:1215-1225, 2014.
Ivancic MM, Irving AA, Jonakin KG, Dove WF, Sussman MR. The Concentrations of EGFR, LRG1, ITIH4, and F5 in Serum Correlate with the Number of Colonic Adenomas in ApcPirc/+ Rats. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 7:1160-9, 2014.
Dove WF, Shedlovsky A, Clipson L, Amos-Landgraf JM, Halberg RB, Krentz KJ, Boehm FJ, Newton MA, Adams DJ, Keane TM. A strategy to identify dominant point mutant modifiers of a quantitative trait. G3 (Bethesda) 4:1113-21, 2014.
Irving AA, Young LB, Pleiman JK, Konrath MJ, Marzella B, Nonte M, Cacciatore J, Ford MR, Clipson L, Amos-Landgraf JM, Dove WF. A simple, quantitative method using alginate gel to determine rat colonic tumor volume in vivo. Comp Med 64:128-34, 2014.
Ivancic MM, Huttlin EL, Chen X, Pleiman JK, Irving AA, Hegeman AD, Dove WF, Sussman MR. Candidate serum biomarkers for early intestinal cancer using 15N metabolic labeling and quantitative proteomics in the ApcMin/+ mouse. J Proteome Res 12:4152-66, 2013.
Dove W and Shedlovsky A. From MRC-Cambridge to Madison, Wisconsin. In Memories and Consequences: Visiting Scientists at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. Published by the Medical Research Council, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, 2013. [An essay written for the fiftieth anniversary of the MRC Unit for Molecular Biology in Cambridge UK. Alexandra and Bill met as postdoctoral fellows at that research institute. September 2014 is the fiftieth anniversary of the Dove Lab in McArdle.]
Washington MK, Powell AE, Sullivan R, Sundberg JP, Wright N, Coffey RJ, Dove WF. Pathology of rodent models of intestinal cancer; progress report and recommendations. Gastroenterology 144:705-17, 2013.
Thliveris AT, Clipson L, Sommer LL, Schoenike BA, Hasenstein JR, Schlamp CL, Alexander CM, Newton MA, Dove WF, Amos-Landgraf JM. Regulated Expression of Chromobox Homolog 5 Revealed in Tumors of ApcMin/+ ROSA11 Gene Trap Mice. G3 (Bethesda) 2:569-578, 2012.
Amos-Landgraf JM, Clipson L, Newton MA, Dove WF. The many ways to open the gate to colon cancer. Cell Cycle 11:1261-2, 2012.
Dove W, Susman M. Retrospective. James F. Crow (1916-2012). Science 335:812, 2012.
Amos-Landgraf JM, Irving AA, Hartman C, Hunter A, Laube B, Chen X, Clipson L, Newton MA, Dove WF. Monoallelic silencing and haploinsufficiency in early murine intestinal neoplasms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109:2060-5, 2012.
Boutwell RK, Burgess RR, Dove WF, Pitot HC. On the passing of Gerald C. Mueller, MD, PhD (1920-2010). Cancer Res. 71:6909-10, 2011.
Irving AA, Halberg RB, Albrecht DM, Plum LA, Krentz KJ, Clipson L, Drinkwater N, Amos-Landgraf JM, Dove WF, DeLuca HF. Supplementation by vitamin D compounds does not affect colonic tumor development in vitamin D sufficient murine models. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 515:64-71, November 2011.
Thliveris AT, Clipson L, White A, Waggoner J, Plesh L, Skinner BL, Zahm CD, Sullivan R, Dove WF, Newton MA, Halberg RB. Clonal structure of carcinogen-induced intestinal tumors in mice. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 4:916-23, 2011.
Kwong LN and Dove WF. APC gene and its modifiers in colon cancer. Adv Exp Med 656:85-106, 2009. Author version: [PDF]
Durkee BY, Shinki K, Newton MA, Iverson C, Weichert J, Dove WF, Halberg RB. Longitudinal assessment of colonic tumor fate in mice by computed tomography and optical colonoscopy. Academic Radiology 16:1475-82, 2009. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Huttlin EL, Chen X, Barrett-Wilt GA, Hegeman AD, Halberg RB, Harms AC, Newton MA, Dove WF, Sussman MR. Discovery and Validation of Colonic Tumor-Associated Proteins via Metabolic Labeling and Stable Isotopic Dilution. PNAS 106:17235-40, 2009. Open access. [PDF]
Halberg RB, Waggoner J, Rasmussen, White A, Clipson L, Prunuske AJ, Bacher JW, Sullivan R, Washington MK, Pitot HC, Petrini JHJ, Albertson DG, Dove WF. Long-lived Min mice develop advanced intestinal cancers through a genetically conservative pathway. Cancer Research 69:5768-575, 2009. Open access. [PDF] [Highlight]
Halberg RB, Chen X, Amos-Landgraf JM, White A, Rasmussen K, Clipson L, Pasch C, Sullivan R, Pitot HC, Dove WF. The pleiotropic phenotype of Apc mutations in the mouse allele specificity and effects of the genetic background. Genetics 180:601-609, 2008. Open access. [PDF]
Halberg RB, Campaign Larsen M, Elmergreen TL, Ko AY, Irving AA, Clipson L, Jefcoate CR. Cyp1b1 exerts opposing effects on intestinal tumorigenesis via exogenous and endogenous substrates. Cancer Research 68:7394-7402, 2008. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Chen X, Halberg RB, Burch RP, Dove WF. Intestinal adenomagenesis involves core molecular signatures of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Journal of Molecular Histology 39:283-294, 2008. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Chen X, Ehrhardt WM, Halberg RB, Aronow BJ. Dove WF. Cellular expression patterns of genes upregulated in murine and human colonic neoplasms. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry:433-441, 2008. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Bilger A, Sullivan R, Prunuske AJ, Clipson L, Drinkwater N, Dove WF. Widespread hyperplasia induced by transgenic TGFalpha in ApcMin mice is associated with only regional effects on tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis 29:1825-1830, 2008. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Durkee BY, Mudd SR, Roen CN, Clipson L, Newton MA, Weichert JP, Pickhardt PJ, Halberg RB. Reproducibility of tumor volume measurement at microCT colonography in living mice. Academic Radiology 15:334-341, 2008. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Kwong LN, Weiss KR, Haigis KM, Dove WF. Atm is a negative regulator of intestinal neoplasia. Oncogene 27:1013-1018, 2008. PubMed Central version: [PDF]
Dove WF, Amos-Landgraf JM, Chen X, Kwong LN, Clipson L, Halberg RB. Basic and applied issues in colon cancer studied in the Min mouse and Pirc rat kindreds. In: Extended Abstracts for the 38th International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund: Current Challenges in the Understanding and Management of Colon Cancer. Edited by Nakagama H, Dove WF, Mori H, Wakabayashi K. 2007. [PDF]
Kaiser S, Park YK, Franklin JL, Halberg RB, Yu M, Jessen WJ, Freudenberg J, Chen X, Haigis K, Jegga AG, Kong S, Sakthivel B, Xu H, Reichling T, Azhar M, Boivin GP, Roberts RB, Bissahoyo AC, Gonzales F, Bloom GC, Eschrich S, Carter SL, Aronow JE, Kleimeyer J, Kleimeyer M, Ramaswamy V, Settle SH, Boone B, Levy S, Graff JM, Doetschman T, Groden J, Dove WF, Threadgill DW, Yeatman TJ, Coffey RJ Jr, Aronow BJ. Transcriptional recapitulation and subversion of embryonic colon development by mouse colon tumor models and human colon cancer. Genome Biology 8:R131, 2007. Open access. [PDF]
Kwong LN, Shedlovsky A, Biehl BS, Clipson L, Pasch C, Dove WF. Identification of Mom7, a novel modifier of ApcMin/+ on mouse chromosome 18. Genetics 176:1237-1244, 2007. [PDF] Open access on PMCID: 1894587
Amos-Landgraf JM, Kwong LN, Kendziorski CM, Reichelderfer M, Torrealba J, Weichert J, Haag JD, Chen K-S, Waller JL, Gould MN, Dove WF. A target-selected Apc-mutant rat kindred enhances the modeling of familial human colon cancer. PNAS 104:4036-4041, 2007. Open access. [PDF]
Halberg RB and Dove WF. Polyclonal tumors in the mammalian intestine: Are interactions among multiple initiated clones necessary for tumor initiation, growth, and progression? Cell Cycle 6:44-51, 2007. Open access. [PDF] [High-resolution PDF]
Wilkins AS and Dove WF. Human biology: an ever-expanding subject. Bioessays 28:1146-9, 2006. [PDF]
Newton MA and Hastie DI. Assessing Poisson variation of intestinal tumour multiplicity in mice carrying a Robertsonian translocation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C-Applied Statistics 55:123-138, 2006. [PDF]
Newton MA, Clipson L, Thliveris AT, Halberg RB. A Statistical Test of the Hypothesis that Polyclonal Intestinal Tumors Arise by Random Collision of Initiated Clones. Biometrics, 62:721-727, 2006. [PDF]
Newton MA. On estimating the polyclonal fraction in lineage-marker studies of tumor origin. Biostatistics 7:503-514, 2006. [PDF]
Leedham SJ, Thliveris AT, Halberg RB, Newton MA & Wright NA. Gastrointestinal stem cells and cancer bridging - The molecular gap. Stem Cell Reviews 1:233-241, 2005. [PDF]
Leedham SJ, Schier S, Thliveris AT, Halberg RB, Newton MA & Wright NA. From gene mutations to tumours--stem cells in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis. Cell Prolif. 38:387-405, 2005. [PDF]
Thliveris AT, Halberg RB, Clipson L, Dove WF, Sullivan R, Washington MK, Stanhope S, Newton MA. Polyclonality of familial murine adenomas: Analyses of mouse chimeras with low tumor multiplicity suggest short-range interactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102: 6960-6965, 2005. Open access. [PDF] [PDF with high resolution figures] [Supporting Methods]
Pickhardt PJ, Halberg RB, Taylor AJ, Durkee BY, Fine J, Lee FT Jr, Weichert JP. Microcomputed tomography colonography for polyp detection in an in vivo mouse tumor model. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102: 3419-3422, 2005. Open access. [PDF] [PDF with high resolution figures]
Haigis KM, Hoff
PD, White A, Shoemaker AR, Halberg RB, Dove WF. Tumor regionality
in the mouse intestine reflects the mechanism of loss of Apc function.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101: 9769-73, 2004. [PDF]
Dove W. Aurora
and the hunt for cancer-modifying genes. Nat Genet. 34: 353-4, 2003.
Chen X, Halberg
RB, Ehrhardt WM, Torrealba J, Dove WF. Clusterin as a biomarker
in murine and human intestinal neoplasia. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 100: 9530-5, 2003. [PDF]
with high resolution figures] [Supporting
Materials and Methods]
Boivin, GP,
Washington K, Yang K, War, JM, Pretlow TP, Russell R, Besselsen
DG, Godfrey VL, Doetschman T, Dove WF, Pitot HC, Halber, RB, Itzkowitz
SH, Groden J, Coffey RJ. Pathology of mouse models of intestinal
cancer: consensus report and recommendations. Gastroenterology 124:
762-77, 2003. [PDF]
Haigis KM and Dove WF. A Robertsonian translocation suppresses a somatic recombination pathway to loss of heterozygosity. Nature Genet., 33: 33-39, 2003. [PDF] [PDF with sharper Fig. 4] [Web Note A]
Haigis KM, Caya JG, Reichelderfer M, Dove WF. Intestinal adenomas can develop with a stable karyotype and stable microsatellites. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 99: 8927-31, 2002. [PDF]
Hoff PD, Halberg RB, Shedlovsky A, Dove WF, Newton MA. Identifying Carriers of a Genetic Modifier Using Nonparametric Bayes Methods. Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, 5: 327-342, 2001.[PDF]
Crow JF and Dove WF. (Eds.) Perspectives on Genetics: Anecdotal, Historical, and Critical Commentaries, 1987-1998. The University of Wisconsin Press, 2000, 734 pages.
Cormier RT, Bilger A, Lillich AJ, Halberg RB, Hong KH, Gould KA, Borenstein N, Lander ES, Dove WF. The Mom1AKR Intestinal Tumor Resistance Region Consists of Pla2g2a and a Locus Distal to D4Mit64. Oncogene, 19: 3182-3192, 2000. [PDF]
Cormier RT and Dove WF. Dnmt1N/+ Reduces the Net Growth Rate and Multiplicity of Intestinal Adenomas in C57BL/6-Multiple Intestinal Neoplasia (Min)/+ Mice Independently of p53 but Demonstrates Strong Synergy with the Modifier of Min 1AKR Resistance Allele. Cancer Res., 60: 3965-3970, 2000. [PDF]
Shoemaker AR, Haigis KM, Baker SM, Dudley S, Liskay RM, Dove WF. Mlh1 Deficiency Enhances Several Phenotypes of ApcMin/+ Mice. Oncogene, 19: 2774-2779, 2000. [PDF]
Dove WF. Closing the Circle: A. D. Hershey and Lambda I. In: F. W. Stahl (Ed.), We Can Sleep Later. Cold Spring Harbor Press, 2000. Author version: [PDF]
Halberg RB, Katzung DS, Hoff PD, Moser AR, Cole CE, Lubet RA, Donehower LA, Jacob, RF, and Dov, WF. Tumorigenesis in the Multiple Intestinal Neoplasia Mouse: Redundancy of Negative Regulators and Specificity of Modifiers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 97: 3461-3466, 2000. [PDF]
Dove WF. Genes and Cancer: Risk Determinants and Agents of Change. In: MD Abeloff, JO Armitage, A Lichter, and JE Niederhuber (Eds.), Clinical Oncology, 2nd Edition, Chap. 4, pp. 54-76. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 2000.
Bailey J, Cook LJ, Kilmer-Barber R, Swanston E, Solnica-Krezel L, Lohman K, Dove WF, Dee J, Anderson RW. Identification of Three Genes Expressed Primarily During Development in Physarum polycephalum. Arch. Microbiol., 172: 364-376, 1999. [PDF]
Cox RD, Hugill A, Shedlovsky A, Noveroske JK, Best S, Justice MJ, Lehrach H, Dove WF. Contrasting Effects of ENU Induced Embryonic Lethal Mutations of the quaking Gene. Genomics, 57: 333-341, 1999. [PDF]
Battey J, Jordan E, Cox D, Dove W. An Action Plan for Mouse Genomics. Nature Genetics, 21: 73-75, 1999. [PDF]
Crow JF and Dove WF. Bird's Eye View: A Decade of Perspectives. Genetics, 148: 1405-1407, 1998. [PDF]
Shoemaker AR, Moser AR, Midgley CA, Clipson L, Newton MA, Dove WF. A Resistant Genetic Background Leading to Incomplete Penetrance of Intestinal Neoplasia and Reduced Loss of Heterozygosity in ApcMin/+ Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 95: 10826-10831, 1998. [PDF]
Gould KA and Dove WF. Analysis of the Mom1 Modifier of Intestinal Neoplasia in Mice. Exp. Lung Res., 24: 437-453, 1998. [PDF]
Dove WF, Cormier RT, Gould KA, Halberg RB, Merritt AJ, Newton MA, Shoemaker AR. The Intestinal Epithelium and Its Neoplasms: Genetic, Cellular and Tissue Interactions. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., Lond. B., 353: 915-923, 1998. [PDF]
Merritt AJ, Gould KA, Dove WF. Polyclonal Structure of Intestinal Adenomas in ApcMin/+ Mice with Concomitant Loss of Apc+ from All Tumor Lineages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 94: 13927-13931, 1997. [PDF]
Cormier RT, Hong KH, Halberg RB, Hawkins TL, Richardson P, Mulherkar R, Dove WF, Lander ES. Secretory Phospholipase Pla2g2a Confers Resistance to Intestinal Tumorigenesis. Nature Genet., 17: 88-91, 1997. [PDF]
King DP, Vitaterna MH, Chang A-M, Dove WF, Pinto LH, Turek FW, Takahashi JS. The Mouse Clock Mutation Behaves as an Antimorph and Maps Within the W19-H Deletion, Distal of Kit. Genetics, 146: 1049-1060, 1997. [PDF]
Shoemaker AR, Luongo C, Moser AR, Marton LJ, Dove WF. Somatic Mutational Mechanisms Involved in Intestinal Tumor Formation in Min Mice. Cancer Res., 57: 1999-2006, 1997. [PDF]
Gould KA and Dove WF. Localized Gene Action Controlling Intestinal Neoplasia in Mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 94: 5848-5853, 1997. [PDF]
Dove WF, Clipson L, Gould KA, Luongo C, Marshall DJ, Moser AR, Newton MA, Jacoby RF. Intestinal Neoplasia in the ApcMin Mouse: Independence from the Microbial and Natural Killer (beige Locus) Status. Cancer Res., 57: 812-814, 1997. [PDF]
Shoemaker AR, Gould KA, Luongo C, Moser AR, Dove WF. Studies of Neoplasia in the Min Mouse. BBA Reviews on Cancer, 1332: F25-F48, 1997. [PDF]
Symula DJ, Shedlovsk, A, Guillery EN, and Dove WF. A Candidate Mouse Model for Hartnup Disorder Deficient in Neutral Amino Acid Transport. Mammalian Genome, 8: 102-107, 1997. [PDF]
Symula DJ, Shedlovsky A, Dove WF. Genetic Mapping of hph-2, a Mutation Affecting Amino Acid Transport in the Mouse. Mammalian Genome, 8: 98-101, 1997. [PDF]
Zhang T, Nanney LB, Luongo C, Lamps L, Heppner KJ, DuBois RN, Beauchamp RD. Concurrent overexpression of cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) in intestinal adenomas from Multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) mice and human familial adenomatous polyposis patients. Cancer Research, 57: 169-175, 1997. [PDF]
Bilger A, Shoemaker AR, Gould KA, Dove WF. Manipulation of the Mouse Germline in the Study of Min-induced Neoplasia. In: Seminars in Cancer Biology, Issue CB8/1. Gene Targeted Mice in Cancer Research, Allan Bradley (Ed.), 7: 249-260, 1996. [PDF]
Williams CS, Luongo C, Radhika A, Zhang T, Lamps LW, Nanney LB, Beauchamp RD, DuBois RN. Elevated Cyclooxygenase-2 in Min Mouse Adenomas. Gastroenterology, 111: 1134-1140, 1996. [PDF]
Gould KA, Luongo C, Moser AR, McNeley MK, Borenstein N, Shedlovsky A, Dove WF, Hong K, Dietrich WF, Lander ES. Genetic Evaluation of Candidate Genes for the Mom1 Modifier of Intestinal Neoplasia in Mice. Genetics, 144: 1777-1785, 1996. [PDF]
Gould KA, Dietrich WF, Borenstein N, Lander ES, Dove WF. Mom1 is a Semi-Dominant Modifier of Intestinal Adenoma Size and Multiplicity in Min/+ Mice. Genetics, 144: 1769-1776, 1996. [PDF]
Gould KA and Dove WF. Action of Min and Mom1 on Neoplasia in Ectopic Intestinal Grafts. Cell Growth Differ., 7: 1361-1368, 1996. [PDF]
Beazer-Barclay Y, Levy DB, Moser AR, Dove WF, Hamilton SR, Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW. Sulindac Suppresses Tumorigenesis in the Min Mouse. Carcinogenesis, 17: 1757-1760, 1996. [PDF]
Luongo C and Dove WF. Somatic Genetic Events Linked to the Apc Locus in Intestinal Adenomas of the Min Mouse. Genes, Chromosomes, and Cancer, 17: 194-198, 1996. [PDF]
Jacoby RF, Marshall DJ, Newton MA, Novakovic K, Tutsch K, Col, CE, Lubet RA, Kelloff GJ, Verma A, Moser AR, and Dove WF. Chemoprevention of Spontaneous Intestinal Adenomas in the ApcMin Mouse Model by the Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Piroxicam. Cancer Res., 56: 710-714, 1996. [PDF]
Luongo C, Moser AR, Gledhill S, and Dove WF. Loss of Apc+ in intestinal adenomas from Min mice. Cancer Research 54:5947-5953, 1994. [PDF]
Dove WF. Mammalian Development and Human Cancer: from the Phage Group to the Genetics of Intestinal Cancer. In The DNA Provirus: Howard Temin's Legacy (edited by G.M. Cooper, R. Greenberg Temin, and B. Sugden). Washington DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1995. [PDF]
Shoemaker AR, Moser AR and Dove WF. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea treatment of Multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) mice: age-related effects on the formation of intestinal adenomas, cystic crypts, and epidermoid cysts. Cancer Research 55:4479-4485 (1995). [PDF]
Vitaterna MH, King DP, Chang A-M, Kornhauser JM, Lowrey PL, McDonald
JD, Dove WF, Pinto L, Turek FW, Takahashi JS. Mutagenesis and Mapping
of a Mouse Gene, Clock, Essential for Circadian Behavior. Science
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Burland TG, Bailey J, Pallotta D, Dove WF. Stable, selectable, integrative
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Dietrich WF, Lander ES, Smith JS., Moser AR, Gould KA, Luongo C, Borenstein N, Dove WF. Genetic Identification of Mom-1, a Major Modifier Affecting Min-Induced Intestinal Neoplasia in the Mouse. Cell, 75: 631-639, 1993. [PDF]
Burland TG,
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Su LK, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Preisinger AC, Moser AR, Luongo
C, Gould KA, Dove WF. Multiple intestinal neoplasia caused by a
mutation in the murine homolog of the APC gene. Science 256, 668-670
(1992). [PDF]
Moser AR, Pitot HC, Dove WF. A dominant mutation that predisposes to multiple intestinal neoplasia in the mouse. Science 247, 322-324 (1990). [PDF]
McDonald JD, Bode VC, Dove WF, Shedlovsky A. Pahhph-5: A mouse mutant deficient in phenylalanine hydroxylase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 87, 1965-1967 (1990). [PDF]
King TR, Dove WF, Herrmann B, Moser AR, Shedlovsky A. Mapping to molecular resolution in the T to H-2 region of the mouse genome with a nested set of meiotic recombinants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 86, 222-226 (1989). [PDF]
Shedlovsky A, Guenet J-L, Johnson LL, Dove WF. Induction of recessive lethal mutations in the T/t-H-2 region of the mouse genome by a point mutagen. Genet. Res. Camb. 47, 135-142 (1986). [PDF]
Schedl T, Burland TG, Dove WF, Roobol A, Paul ECA, Foster KE, Gull K. Tubulin expression and the cell cycle of the Physarum plasmodium. In Molecular Biology of the Cytoskeleton (edited by Borisy GG, Cleveland DW, Murphy DB), pages 235-243. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, 1984. [PDF]
Schedl T, Owens J, Dove WF, Burland TG. Genetics of the tubulin gene families of Physarum. Genetics 108, 143-164 (1984). [PDF]
Schedl T and Dove WF. Mendelian analysis of the organization of actin sequences in Physarum polycephalum. J. Mol. Biol. 160, 41-57 (1982). [PDF]
Laffler TG, Chang MT, and Dove WF. Periodic Synthesis of Microtubular Proteins in the Cell Cycle of Physarum. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 78: 5000-5004 (1981). [PDF]
WF and Rusch HP, eds. Growth and Differentiation in Physarum
polycephalum. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,
1980. [PDF for title page
and table of contents]
Furth ME, Yates JL, Dove WF. Positive and negative control of bacteriophage lambda DNA replication. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology 43:147-153. 1979. [PDF]
Furth ME, McLeester C, Dove WF. Specificity determinants for bacteriophage lambda replication. I. a chain of interactions that controls the initiation of replication. J. Mol. Biol. 126, 195-225 (1978). [PFD]
Haugli FB and Dove WF. Mutagenesis and mutant selection in Physarum
polycephalum. Mol. Gen. Genet. 118, 109-124 (1972). [PDF]
Dove WF, Inokuchi H, Stevens WF. Replication control in phage lambda
in The Bacteriophage Lambda (ed. Hershey,A.D.) 747-771 (Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, New York, 1971). [PDF]
Dove WF, Hargrove E, Ohashi M, Haugli F, Guha A. Replicator activation
in lambda. Jpn. J. Genet. 44, 11-22 (1969). [PDF]
Franklin NC, Dove WF, YanofskyC. The linear insertion of a prophage
into the chromosome of E. coli shown by deletion mapping. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 18, 910-923 (1965). [PDF]