Dove WF. "Foreword." Guenet JL, Benavides F, Panthier
J-J, Montagutelli X (authors). Genetics of the Mouse. Springer, 2015.
Dove W and Shedlovsky A. From MRC-Cambridge to Madison, Wisconsin. In Memories and Consequences: Visiting Scientists at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. Published by the Medical Research Council, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, 2013. [An essay written for the fiftieth anniversary of the MRC Unit for Molecular Biology in Cambridge UK. Alexandra and Bill met as postdoctoral fellows at that research institute. September 2014 is the fiftieth anniversary of the Dove Lab in McArdle.]
Dove W, Susman M. Retrospective. James F. Crow (1916-2012). Science 335:812, 2012.
Boutwell RK, Burgess RR, Dove WF, Pitot HC. On the passing of Gerald C. Mueller, MD, PhD (1920-2010). Cancer Res. 71:6909-10, 2011.
Wilkins AS and Dove
WF. Human biology: an ever-expanding subject. Bioessays 28:1146-9, 2006.
Dove W. Aurora and the hunt for cancer-modifying genes. Nat Genet. 34: 353-4, 2003. [PDF]
Dove WF. Closing the Circle: A. D. Hershey and Lambda I. In: F. W. Stahl (Ed.), We Can Sleep Later. Cold Spring Harbor Press, 2000. Author version: [PDF]
Battey J, Jordan E, Cox D, Dove W. An Action Plan for Mouse Genomics. Nature Genetics, 21: 73-75, 1999. [PDF]
Crow JF and Dove WF. Bird's Eye View: A Decade of Perspectives. Genetics, 148: 1405-1407, 1998. [PDF]
Dove WF. Mammalian Development and Human Cancer: from the Phage Group to the Genetics of Intestinal Cancer. In The DNA Provirus: Howard Temin's Legacy (edited by G.M. Cooper, R. Greenberg Temin, and B. Sugden). Washington DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1995. [PDF]
Comments at Emeritus Award Ceremony, 2013.
Tribute to Gobind Khorana, 2009.
A biographical sketch of Bill Dove for the HG Khorana Symposium, 2009.
Comments to the University Senate at the Hilldale Award Ceremony, 2009.
Tribute to Harold Rusch, 2008.
Tribute to Jean Louis Guenet, 2005.
Tribute to Ira Herskowitz, 2003.
Tribute to Norman Davidson, 2002.