MTDH-SND1 complex (made by Feng Guo). The SD1 and SD2 domains of SND1 and MTDH are colored light green, pink, and yellow, respectively.

PP2A holoenzyme containing PR70 (made by Nathan Wlodarchak)

Partial unfolding of PP2A catalytic subunit assisted by α4 (made by Vitali Stanevich and Yongna Xing). α4 is colored magenta, PP2Ac colored blue, yellow, and orange.

Virtual screen targeting PP2A activation complex

Conformational changes of the scaffold subunit in different PP2A complexes (by Vitali Stanevich). PP2A scaffold and catalytic subunits are colored green and blue, respectively.

PP2A activation complex - PP2A-PTPA-ATP (made by Feng Guo). PP2A catalytic subunit and activator (PTPA) are colored blue and orange, respectively. ATP and metal ions are in cylinder and spheres.

Virtual screen targeting PP2A activation complex

PP2A methylation complex - PP2A-LCMT-1 complex trapped by SAM mimic (made by Vitali Stanevich). PP2A catalytic subunit and LCMT-1 are colored blue and magenta, respectively. SAM mimic crosslinked to PP2A tail is shown in cylinder.

Activation of PP2A specific methylesterase (made by Yongna Xing). PP2A catalytic subunit, its C-terminal tail, and its methylesterase (PME-1) are colored blue, green and yellow, respectively. The catalytic triad of PME-1 are shown in sphere.

PP2A holoenzyme assembly - B'γ1 associated with PP2A core enzyme (made by Yongna Xing). PP2A scaffold, catalytic, and regulatory subunits are colored green, blue, and orange, respectively.

PP2A core enzyme assembly (made by Yongna Xing). PP2A scaffold, and catalytic subunits are colored green and blue, respectively.