William F. Dove and colleagues
McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research
1400 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706-1599
Phone: (608) 262-0982
CV for William
F. Dove
Research Description:
Our laboratory studies the genetic, cellular and molecular
aspects of intestinal cancer. To pursue this goal, we have established
two complementary animal models for inherited (familial) colon cancer
- the Min (Multiple intestinal neoplasia) mouse and Pirc (Polyposis
in rat colon) rat. These animal models, as well as mouse and rat strains
specifically derived from them, display distinct cancer phenotypes (observable
traits) and many of these phenotypes are also present in human cancer.
For example, some human colon cancers continue to grow while others
remain unchanged in size (static) for years, or even regress without
intervention. Each of these fates (growth, stasis and regression) are
observed among our animal models, by following tumors over time using
colonoscopies in live animals. By manipulating the animal genetic backgrounds
of these models, we can discover genes that influence colon cancer
phenotypes such as tumor fate. Examining whole tissue sections helps
us to identify, at the molecular or cellular level, the
salient differences between tumors of different fates. Using molecular
markers for cell death (apoptosis) or cell division, we can discover
whether more cells undergo apoptosis in regressing tumors or whether
fewer cells divide in tumors that are static. The microenvironment of
the tumor is also important. For example, using cellular markers for
tumor-associated leukocytes, we can ask whether there are different
leukocyte populations in growing versus regressing tumors. These questions
lie at the center of understanding the biology of colon cancer in humans.
They can be experimentally addressed in our laboratory by appropriate
use of our two sets of animal models.
A postdoctoral member of our laboratory learns the biology and genetics
of the laboratory mouse and rat, objective assessment of neoplastic
growth and regression, and the assay of molecular markers of neoplastic
development within the tumor, its associated microenvironment, and in
biological samples from the tumor-bearing host. Working with faculty
in radiology and medical physics, we explore new imaging methods. With
the Biotechnology Center and others, we engage the evolving power of
mass spectrometry in the analysis of DNA, protein, and metabolic markers
expressed in the feces, serum or plasma of tumor-bearing animals.
Altogether, uniquely complementing other investigations worldwide,
our Wisconsin team hopes to achieve a deep understanding of the biology
of colon cancer and thereby to impact its management in humans through
diagnosis, prognosis, and early detection.